Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.
1. Kate: "Our form teacher is ill. We won't go to the library.
2. John: "I'am good at Biology. I get only A's and B's
3. Linda: " I'am a new pupil. I don't know anyone in the class.
4. Ann: "My father is strict but fair."
5. Robert: "We shall do interesting projects"
6. Mother: "Sveta, pass me the salt, please"
7. Olga: "I shall go to cinema"
8. The policeman: "Cross the street here, children"
9. The teacher: "Children, don't talk at the lesson:
10. Bob: "I can swim in the river"
11. Tom: "Helen, how many lesson do you have on Tuesday"
12. "Kate, bring the plates, please"
13. Mother: "Ben, how many spoons are there on the table"
14. Dan: "Do not open thes box!"
15. Harry: "Don't watch TV"


Ответ дал: visnevskaa368


Kate said that the teacher was ill and they won't went to the library.

John said that he was good at Biology. He got only A's and B's

Linda said that she was a new pupil. She didn't knew anyone in the class.

Ann said that her father was strict but fair

Robert said that they should did interesting project.

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