Прочитай текст о достоинствах и недостатках интернета, а затем выбери и укажи ниже 3 его достоинства и 3 недостатка.(10балла)

Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet

Teens cannot live without the Internet and spend most of their time on it. Is this a good tring?

The Internet is a useful tool. You can find information on any topic and use it for schoolwork and projects. Also, the Internet helps communication. You can chat or send emails to your friends wherever they are.

On the other hand, the Internet can be harmful. If you spend too many hours online or in front of the screen, it can damage your eyes. The Internet can also distract you from real life. You may avoid hangingout with your friends or neglect your homework.

Advantages of the Internet:

Disadvantages of the Internet:


Ответ дал: ruslanalove13102003


1. you can find information on any topic

2. helps in communication

3. sending emails to your friends.


1. distracts from real life

2. neglect of homework and avoiding hanging out with friends

3. harm to health

Перевод: Достоинства: 1. можно найти информацию по любой теме 2. помогает в общении 3. отправка електронных писем своим друзьям. Недостатки: 1. отвлекает от реальной жизни 2. принебрегание домашним заданием и избегание тусовок с друзьями 3.вред здоровью

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