1. Where is Kate? She _____ tennis.
A. plays B. is playing C. play D. played
2. ______ not any glass in the windows, that is why ____ so cold in the room.
A. It is, there is B. It was, there is C. There are, it is D. There is, it is
3. She was tired and asked me _____ make so much noise.
A. didn’t B. did not to C. not D. not to
4. Both Steve ______ Jane ______ here.
A. or, is B. and, is C. or, are D. and, are
5. I didn’t know if he needed any help. _______ ?
A. So did I B. Neither did I C. So didn’t I D. Neither didn’t I
6. ___ President of ___ United States lives in ____ White House in ___ Washington D.C.
A. -, the, the, - B. -, the, -, the C. -, -, the, the D. The, the, the, -
7. I have my English class ___ Monday morning.
A. in B. at C. for D. on
8. _____ breakfast yet? Yes, I ____.
A. Did you have, have B. Had you had, have C. Have you had, have D. Do you have, had
9. I was late. The teacher ___ a test when I ___ to class.
A. has already given, got B. had already given, got C. has already given, get D. was already giving, get
10. How long will it ___ to do the homework?
A. need her B. take her C. she take D. she need


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