3 Open the brackets. Use Future Continuous, Future Perfect
or Future Perfect Continuous,
1. Don't phone me at around seven.)
(have) dinner
2. Come after five. 12)
do) my homework by then,
3. This time tomorrow we 3)
Chey on the beach,
4. Next September he 4)
(work) here for ten years already
5. Contact me at any time. I 5)
(stay) at the Royal Hotel,
6. I can't see her tomorrow. She 6)
7. By the time you come, everyone 7)
8. In a week we 8)
(celebrate) Helen's birthday.
9. You are so slow! When you are through, 19)
(wait for hours
(work) on a new project tomorrow afternoon
Помогите пожалуйста срочно!​


Ответ дал: Sandy070794


5.will be staying

6.She will have left

7.everyone will have gone.

8.we will be celebrating

9.I will have been waiting

10.will be working.

толко это думую что помогла

nikitos55883: я видел это в инете
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