a car
4 Complete the sentences with the correct
possessive adjectives
Rustam and his father are here.
1 Aizere and brother are at home
2 Lena and Batyr are with friends at the
sports centre
3 This is my favourite café.name is The
4 I'm with friend Gulfiya today.
5 'Here's __DVD, Samat.' Thanks."
6 We are with parents today.​


Ответ дал: ccvet7845

1)Aizere and her brother are at home today .

2)Lena and Batyr are with friends at the sports centre.

3)This is my favourite cafe. Hname is the Bistro

4) im with my friend Gulfiya today

5) here's your DVD, Samat.' Thanks.'

6)We are with her parents today

akbergenvaayko: спс
vorogkrasnyj: спс
olilh1910: лучший тупо
olilh1910: лучшииий
kdkjsjsjsskidjsiAiaj: тупой
kdkjsjsjsskidjsiAiaj: неправильно
narutoizumaki: спасибо
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