помогите пж
IV. Open the brackets:

1. He (to leave) for Moscow two days ago.

2. Pam (to paint) since her childhood.

3. We (not/to see) you for ages.

4. I (not/to find) my keys yet.

5. The students (to write) a dictation yesterday.

6. You (to be) ever to London?

7. My parents (to have) this house since 2000.

8. It (to snow) since the morning.

V. Complete the sentences using in or out:

1. On Saturdays she usually eats ... .

2. People breathe ... oxygen and breathe ... carbon dioxide.

3. He is knocking at the door. Let him come ... .

4. It was sunny and the friends decided to go ... .

VI.Translate into English:

1. Наша хрупкая планета нуждается в защите.

2. Как давно у тебя эта книга? — 2 года. Я купил ее,

когда был в Лондоне.

3. Эта фабрика производит товары отличного качества

(of excellent quality).

4. Лето стало жарче из-за парникового эффекта.

5. Билл переводит статью уже 2 часа


Ответ дал: Decoration
  1. left
  2. has painted
  3. haven't seen
  4. haven't found
  5. wrote
  6. Have you ever been ...?
  7. have had
  8. has been snowing

  1. out
  2. in ... out
  3. in
  4. out

  1. Our fragile planet needs to be protected.
  2. How long have you had this book? Two years. I bought it when I was in London.
  3. This factory produces goods of excellent quality.
  4. Summer has become hotter because of the greenhouse effect.
  5. Bill has been translating the article for 2 hours.
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