The audio:
An elephant came round to tea
He really is
He’s fatter and taller
I’m shorter and smaller
And his voice is
You see
An elephant’s more beautiful than you think
Though his color’s more boring not pink
But remember, elephant, he is
But he cannot fly, swim or wink


Ответ дал: amiraermekkali10


1.I’m and smaller

2.But he cannot fly, swim or win


dinaesenbaeva005: незн
dinaesenbaeva005: сама делаю
nurasylqabdyraq: 3 қалай
nurasylqabdyraq: 3 жауап қандай
dinaesenbaeva005: не помню
dinaesenbaeva005: зайди в другую вкладку
roblox62: там же нет такого
akmaralotenalieva: 1taller
akmaralotenalieva: 2.shorter
akmaralotenalieva: 3.more beautirful
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