Please ❤️help me 30b


answeryourquestion: не понимаю по Украински. напиши на английском или на русском, пожалуйста
answeryourquestion: okay. I will try
liliya8628: Use the the prompts to write sentences.
1 the first moon landing / be / in 1969
2 ten years ago / my brother / still / study / at university
3 Mabel / find / some keys / on the pavement yesterday
4 | / have / my first driving lesson last week
5 | /talk / on my mobile phone / when / my mum / ask / me a question
6 what / you / do / this time last year?
liliya8628: Вот 1
liliya8628: Please. I don't know where to throw it. But I really need to
answeryourquestion: done! :)
answeryourquestion: I did your exercise on your Page. in your account
answeryourquestion: you can find it in "my questions"
liliya8628: ❤️❤️


Ответ дал: answeryourquestion


1. Crash

2. Click

3. Go

4. Get

5. Visit

6. Open

liliya8628: Дякую❤️
liliya8628: Ви є в інст?
answeryourquestion: нет
liliya8628: Жаль
liliya8628: Мені ще потрібно терміново 2 вправи зробити зможете?
liliya8628: I really need to do two more exercises. Will you help me with this?
answeryourquestion: okay. I will try
liliya8628: How do I send a task?
liliya8628: Use the the prompts to write sentences.
1 the first moon landing / be / in 1969
2 ten years ago / my brother / still / study / at university
3 Mabel / find / some keys / on the pavement yesterday
4 | / have / my first driving lesson last week
5 | /talk / on my mobile phone / when / my mum / ask / me a question
6 what / you / do / this time last year?
answeryourquestion: понравился ответ? помечай как лучший ответ(при желании)
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