Choose the correct variant:

The cheese tastes / is tasting delicious.
These flowers are smelling / smell wonderful.
Why are you feeling / do you feel your pockets? Have you lost anything?
I don’t know / am not knowing where she keeps her dairy.
Jill looks / is looking tired.
That dress looks/is looking nice on you.
I see/am seeing that the situation is out of control.
I see/am seeing my doctor tomorrow morning.
He has / is having a sports car.
He has/is having a meeting with our overseas partners now.
It all depends / is depending on the weather.
You haven’t said a word all morning. What are you thinking / do you think about?
I am thinking/think she is rich.
I don’t believe / am not believing a word he’s saying.
This book is / is being mine. It belongs / is belonging to me.
Ted is/is being very tall.
Ann is/is being very kind to me these days. I wonder why?
I’m waiting / I wait for you, hurry up.
I’m afraid Mrs Jackson’s busy at the moment. She’s talking / talks to a customer on the phone.
He’s staying / he stays with his parents at the moment.
Mrs Harding usually organizes / is organizing our conferences. She is away on maternity leave, so I am organizing / organize them.
Jane weighs/is weighing 50 kilos.


Ответ дал: gillina


The cheese tastes delicious.

These flowers  smell wonderful.

Why do you feel your pockets? Have you lost anything?

I don’t know  where she keeps her dairy.

Jill looks tired.

That dress looks nice on you.

I see that the situation is out of control.

I am seeing my doctor tomorrow morning.

He has a sports car.

He is having a meeting with our overseas partners now.

It all  is depending on the weather.

You haven’t said a word all morning. What are you thinking about?

I think she is rich.

I don’t believe a word he’s saying.

This book is mine. It belongs to me.

Ted is very tall.

Ann is very kind to me these days. I wonder why?

I’m waiting  for you, hurry up.

I’m afraid Mrs Jackson’s busy at the moment. She’s talking to a customer on the phone.

He’s staying  with his parents at the moment.

Mrs Harding usually organizes our conferences. She is away on maternity leave, so I am organizing them.

Jane weighs 50 kilos.


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