Write the right form of Past Simple Tense
1. Korkyt Ata be/was a famous poet and musician.
2. Ancient Greeks build/built houses with mud and wood.
3. We play/played football last night.
4. Vikings live/lived in the longhouses.
5. Native Americans hunt/hunted wild animals.
6. The Aztecs live/lived many years ago.
7. He doesn't come/came to the school yesterday.

nazgum0601: Помогите пожалуйста


Ответ дал: Ludmilaangel


1. Korkyt Ata was a famous poet and musician.

2. Ancient Greeks built houses with mud and wood.

3. We played football last night.

4. Vikings lived in the longhouses.

5. Native Americans hunted wild animals.

6. The Aztecs lived many years ago.

7. He came to the school yesterday.

gulnurdemeubaeva3: спс
sunkarbektolganai: ♥♥
maristepp777: спасибо
maristepp777: 7 не правильное
zheniskz508: точно?
Aiymbolatovab: Спс
sattybeksizada: Пасиба
erlanshambilov8054: спс
tazmuhanbetinabat: дұрыс па?
aidanaabilhanova321: серез дрс па?
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