Вопросы по английскому:
1) When I got to the theatre the play . . . already.
a. has started
b. will start
d. would start
e. had started
2) I wish I ___ have to work tomorrow, but unfortunately I do.
b. didn’t
c. will
d. don’t
e. should
3) I’m totally fed up ............... politicians at the moment.
a. with
b. at
d. of
e. from
4) A bad reaction felt after a drug is taken away from a drug addict is … .
a. the bottom line
b. cold turkey
e. moveable feast
5) The fire spread through the building quickly, but fortunately everybody ___ escape.
a. should
c. can
d. could
e. succeeded to
6) "How many eggs have we got?" "_____"
a. Not too many.
c. Not too much.
d. There aren't some.
e. Not so lot
7) London is the ... city in the UK.
a. bigger
c. more big
d. biggest
e. big
8) Why, we __ all night and __ everything by midday tomorrow.
b. will be working, will have finished
e. will work, will finish
9) Fleet Street … known for the newspaper offices.
b. is
c. are
d. will be
e. were
10) I had a sandwich in the garden and then I ... back to the office.
a. gone
b. Went
d. had gone
e. have gone
11) My friend … never … to the USA.
b. was … being
c. have … be
d. have … been
e. has … been


Ответ дал: alinarezhepova014


если честно не знаю ото бы помогла но не анг

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