Prepare a dialogue.
Student A: You want to go out for a walk in the mountains at the
weekend. Listen to what your friend suggests instead and respond.
Student B: You Don't want to go for a walk in the
mountains at the weekend. You fancy watching a film
then having dinner. Suggest what type of film
and food you want.

Miа16: Прослушайте аудио и напишите всё с аудио
Miа16: Audio 1.17
Soleil79: В Аудио сначала говорится про альпаку, потом про велосипеды и скалолазание, потом про фрукт дуриан, и наконец про американские горки или роллеркостер. Не очень понятно при чем здесь эти диалоги.
Miа16: аудио это отдельное задание
Miа16: сделайте пж диалог
Miа16: аудио мне уже сделали


Ответ дал: Soleil79


А. Hi, John!

B. Hi, Mike. How are you?

A. I’m great! I am planning to go out for a walk in the mountains at the weekend. Would you like to join me?

B. Oh, my friend, you know how much I am fond of the mountains. But I’ve been working very hard all the week and I feel exhausted now. What if we watch some good film and have a dinner? I have a DVD of a new blockbuster starring Bruce Willis, and I promise you to cook a  thick juicy steak with baked potatoes.

A. It sounds so cool I just can’t refuse that! We can go to the mountains together on your next vacations.


Miа16: огромное спасибо
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