Помогите Пожалуйста!! Срочно!! Complete the text the words below there was 1 thought 2 ran back 3 enemy 4 once 5 before 6 terrified 7 power full 8 while there was a greek hero odysseus he aganist the trojans and then wanted to sail home to the island ithaca on the way he and his men landed on the island of te cyclops the cyclops were one-eyed giants ate men! One of them trapped odysseus and his men in cave every day the one-eyed giant ate two of them One night the giant asleep oddyseus put a huge piece of wood into the eye of his the giant couldn`t see and odysseus and his men to their ship oddysseus had many more adventures he finally arived home ten long years later.



Ответ дал: ITeteriN



1 - Once

2 - Fought

3 - Powerful

4 - Terrified

5 - While

6 - Enemy

7 - Ran back

8 - Before

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