Помогите срочно!!!
1. We ____ go back home as we had forgotten to close the window of our room .
a) must b)can
c) had to d)are to
2. Humanitarian aid was ____among the poor unemployed people.
a) managed b) postponed
c) discovered d) distributed
3. According to the forecast the ______ of fog is mean.
a) denscty b)denseity
c) dencity d) density
4. I have ____ half the work up to now.
a) been completing
b) complete
c) completed
d) completing
5. They ____ in the car for many hours before they came to the crossroads.
a) drove
b) had been
c) were driven
d) drive
6. Do you know that this book ____ into English only two years ago?
a) will translated
b) is translated
c) translated
d) was translated
7. The teacher told us ____ attentive at the lessons.
a) was b)to be
c)be d)would be
8. Thank you. You have ___ your concerns with us .
a) taken b) enjoyed
c) given d) shared


Ответ дал: voznas


1. c, 2c, 3d, 4a, 5b, 6d, 7b, 8d

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