1 watched TV /last night/I/
2fancy/They/dress/costumes /wore/at the party
3 yesterday/didn't/basketball/play/He
4 I bought /twodays ago/an MP3 player
5 late yesterday /worked/She
6 us/didn't visit /lastweekend/They
7 Spain lastsummer/He /travelledto
8 any photos /take/at the museum?/Did you​


Ответ дал: nargilabekpolatova


1 I watched TV last night

2. they wore fancy dress, costumes at the party

3. she didn't play basketball yesterday

4. I bought an MP3 player two days ago

5. she worked late yesterday

6. they didn't with us last weekend

7. he traveled to Spain last summer.

8. did you take any photos at the museum ?


с вас лучший ответ и спасибо

Вас заинтересует