II. Use of English

Complete the paragraph from a story. Use the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

When they 1______ (set out) from the hotel at eight in the morning, the sun2_________(shine).

They3 _______(walk)along the path when suddenly Emily4 ______ (stop) and

asked, 5________ (you/hear) something strange?

Anna replied , I6 ______(not/hear)anything. What do you mean? A moment later ,

the sun 7_______ (not shine) and the sky was black. It’s a tornado! Anna said. We need to go indoors – fast!

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Ответ дал: voznas


1set out,

2was shining

3. were walking,

4 stopped

5.Did you hear

6. didn't hear

7. wasn't shining

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