My name is John. I am from London, England. I am 11 years old. I study at school.
There are 15 students in my class.
I have got 3 best friends. They are my classmates. They are Julia, Tom and Kate.
Julia is our dancer. She is not very tall. She has long curly hair. Her hair is red. She
has got green eyes. She is a very creative person. She dances all the time.
Tom is the strongest. He is tall. His hair is short and blonde. He has got blue eyes. He
is fond of sport. He does and watch sport every day.
Kate is the youngest one. She is neither tall nor small. She has got brown hair. Her
eyes are also brown. She is very clever. She likes reading.
And me. I am a leader in our friend team. I am the funniest. I am the friendliest. I am
the most handsome. I am the shiest person. (It's a joke).
I love my friends. They are the best. I like hanging out with them after lessons.
Read the text and choose the right name to the phrase from the text. (IIpomurai TeKcT
и подбери имя к выражению из текста)
Names: John, Kate, Tom, Julia
For example: 0) I am the funniest. - John
1) She is a dancer. -
2) She has got brown eyes and hairs. -
3) He is the strongest. -
4) She is neither tall nor short. -
5) He is the most handsome.
6) He is fond of sport. -
6 points


Ответ дал: gazizamusaeva05


1. Julia

2. Kate

3. Tom

4. Kate

5. Me

6. Tom


Ответ дал: answeryourquestion


Julia is a dancer

Kate has got Brown eyes and...

Tom is the strongest.

Kate is neither tall nor short

John is the most handsome

Tom is fond of sport

answeryourquestion: перевод нужен
liolesya09: простите там не 20 а 10 балов
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