

Task 2. Read and write Yes or No

1. A snake hasn’t got legs. ____________

2. A elephant has got two big ears. ___________

3. A cow ha got two legs. ___________

4. A penguin has got four noses. ____________

5. A duck has got four eyes. ____________

6. A cat has got four legs. ___________

Total 6/

Task 3. Choose must\mustn’t

1. You be kind to each other.

2. You shout in the class.

3. You wear uniform.

4. You climb the desks.


Ответ дал: galina572319


Task 2. Read and write Yes or No

1) No  (No, it hasn't)

2) Yes (Yes, it has)

3) No

4) No

5) No

6) Yes

Task 3. Choose must/mustn't:

1 must

2 mustn't

3 must


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