Раскрой скобки, используя Present Perfect Progressive:
1. My sister (to do) aerobics since last year.
2. I (not to eat) a fried meal since I began to follow a diet.
3. Mary [to use) this toothpaste for a long time.
4. His grandmother (not to smoke) since he visited his
heart doctor
5. She (not to drink) strong tea for many years.​


Ответ дал: DifoniaCraz

1. My sister has been doing aerobics since last year.

2. I have not been eating a fried meal since I began to follow a diet.

3. Mary has been using this toothpaste for a long time.

4. His grandmother has not been smoking since he visited his

heart doctor

5. She has not been drinking strong tea for many years.​

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