Task.1. Read the text and complete tasks below.
1)What kind of cookies are Greg's favorite?
2)What does he do when the chocolate chips are in the batter?
3)Where does he place the ball of batter ?
Choose the correct answer.
4) What is the best name for this text.
A.Cookie Dough
B.Making Cookies
2. Writing
Task2. fill in the correct form of the verb:
1. My fried ___________in the pool every day.
2. They __________ a test at the moment
3. Paul usually _____________ computer games every day.
4. We __________ to the park yestertday evening .
5. Liz ________her SMS right now.
6. They _________football last week .
7. They __________coffee every day .
8. Bill often _________his tea cups .
9.We ________footballl in the gum now.

1. swim 2 . write 3. play 4. go 5. read 6. play 7. drink 8. break. 9 .play.


bboti7746: привет


Ответ дал: Аноним


1) What kind of cookies are Greg's favourite?

Chocolate chip cookies are Greg's favourite.

2) What does he do when the chocolate chips are in the batter?

He stirs them in.

3) Where does he place the balls of batter?

Greg licks the last bits of batter from the bowl.


1) My friend swims in the pool everyay.

2) They are writing a test at the moment.

3) Paul usually plays computer games everyday.

4) We went to the park yesterday.

5) They played Football last week.

6) Liz is reading her SMS right now.

7) They drink coffee every day.

8) Bill often breaks his tea cups.

9) We are playing Football in the gym now.

bboti7746: привет
bboti7746: 4)умыныт кеттин
bboti7746: таск 1 дурыспа
Аноним: 4. B
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