2.Fill in: volunteers, reputation, estimated, bumpy, opportunity,
wandering, opening, crowded, crept, condition.

1. The firm “Navaga” has a……………………….for high quality fish.
2. Her earnings were recently ……………………………....at 2.000 dollars per year.
3. By 10 o’clock the supermarket was noisy and…………………………………
4. The road was so………………..that driving made her sick at the end of the way.
5. We spent almost the whole day ………………………around the park.
6. The play’s …………………………………..night wasn’t a success as everyone had expected.
7. Unfortunately we didn’t have the……………………………………………to watch the concert that day.
8. My cousin ……………………………..for homeless dogs and cats.
9. Five of the car accident victims were still in critical …………………………………….
10.The thief ……………………………..around the cottage without making a noise.


Ответ дал: vika5007

add the Jokey words that make 33your 3the 4AM 5the title 8and is a great name to the moon that the moon

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