Употребите необходимый вспомогательный глагол в следующих вопросах.

1....you know his name?

2. … they visit the museum yesterday?

3. … you family watch TV tomorrow?

4. … his sister learn in the academy&

5. … you lose your wallet last week?

6. … they buy a car two days ago?

7. … Ben Jordan go to the cinema with us next Sunday?

8. … your students read English books in the original every year?

9. … you like onion when a child?

10. … he sell a tour package yesterday?


Ответ дал: vahitos97
1) Do
2) Did
3) Will
4) Does
5) Did
6) Did
7) Will
8) Do
9) Did
10) Did
Ответ дал: Iezikill
1. Do
2. Did
3. Will
4. Does
5. Did
6. Did
8. Do
9. Did(если там пропущено you was)
10. Did
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