Task: Write an article about a bird, an insect, or animal that you have strong feelings about for your school magazine. Be sure you know enough about the animal to describe it fully.

You should use
• one animal that scares, amuses, or puzzles you;
• sensory details (figurative language) that will make your audience feels the same;
• an eye-catching title;
• an introduction which clearly defines the topic to be covered;
• the main body in which the topic is developed in detail;
• the conclusion – summary of the topic or a final opinion, recommendation or comment.

doomrock8pdrk58: Сколько слов минимум?
mepeyka077: 180
mepeyka077: 150-180
doomrock8pdrk58: 230 сойдет?
doomrock8pdrk58: 280*
mepeyka077: Да


Ответ дал: doomrock8pdrk58


Why Penguins Are The Most Superior Bird.

Penguins are fascinating, although they barely have wings, and cannot fly, we still classify them as birds. They mostly live in climates that shouldn’t be habitable but are. Of the seventeen species of penguin, the Emperor Penguin is the most interesting. After all, how many fathers have you seen that can go without food for more than a month so that they can protect their children twenty-four hours a day?

All penguins are found in the Southern Hemisphere and are flightless seabirds. Penguins feed off of small sea life forms, including fish, crustaceans, and cuttlefish. Surprisingly, in captivity, the King and Emperor penguins usually have to be fed by hand, because they do not learn how to pick up their own food.

Most penguins can be found in captivity like zoos and aquariums throughout the world. The Emperor and Adelie penguins, however, are only found in a few locations. Because they live exclusively in the Antarctic, very few places can own and keep them safe. One such place is Sea World in the US. The Sea World Parks have constructed special buildings in which the penguin's complete habitat has been simulated, like air temperature, icy surfaces, and cold water. Sea World puts the penguins in a considerably more realistic environment than the usual zoo exhibit, which consists of a cold water pool constructed in an outdoor setting, in a city such as Cleveland or Miami.

Penguins are incredibly smart and in my opinion, are far more superior than their bird cousins such as the ostrich and pigeon. Even though it is difficult to see them, if you have the chance to visit your local aquarium, I highly recommend checking out the penguins.

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