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Ответ дал: sofiprincesss
2.Did girls walk in the forest yesterday morning?No, they didn’t.They rode bikes in the forest.
3.Did Karen and Jim eat sandwiches last night?
No, they didn’t.They ate fish and chips.
4.Did James paint his house three weeks ago?
Yes, he did.
5.Did Andrew breaks his ankle two days ago?
No, he didn’t.He hurt his knee.
6.Did Mark and Alice watch a DVD yesterday?
No, they didn’t.They went to the cinema.

1)Where were you last night, Paul?
I was at the cinema with John.
Was it scary?
No, it wasn’t.It was really boring!
2)Were you and Betty...
No, we weren’t.She broke her leg and she was in bed all day.
Were you with her?
Yes, I was.She was alone.I was there..

roza123990: Спасибо. ♥️♥️
sofiprincesss: Не за что)
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roza123990: Спасибо огромное ♥️
sofiprincesss: ☺️☺️
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