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- What place would you most like to visit, Joe?
- I’d love to visit Iceland and do the tour of the volcanoes. My friend went on the tour that took them down inside the volcano.

- What kind of adventure activity would you like to do, Mitchel? Would you like to try surfing?
- Not really know. I’m not so keen on getting cold and wet. I’d rather climb up the mountain or maybe go walking somewhere.

- Which would you prefer, Max, a trip to the mountains or a trip to the sea?
- Oh, I’d much prefer to go to the sea, I love the water. I do a lot of swimming and surfing. I also like walking along the beach.

- Is there anyway in the world that you would like to visit, Alicia?
- I’d love to visit the Sakhara Desert. It’s my dream to go on an adventure holiday
and ride free the desert on a cuad bike or maybe even a camel.

- Elizabeth, would you rather track through a desert or a forest?
- I think both would be probably fantastic experiences.
Maybe the forest would be more interesting because it’s seen a worldwide. Yeah, and it be protected by the trees.

What reasons does each person give for his /her choices?


Ответ дал: Soleil79


Joe is guided by the positive experience of his friend who has already been on a volcano tour in Iceland.

Mitchell does not like cold and dampness, he prefers to climb mountains and walk.

Max loves water and the sea, so he prefers swimming and surfing.

Alicia has dreamed of visiting the Sahara Desert all her life.

Elizabeth is a very careful and judicious person, she does not like to take risks.


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