помогите пожалуйста ​


Аноним: Обращайся + хорошие отзывы!


Ответ дал: Summer77


1 Is any of your banks a joint-stock company?

2 Does any of your students take an active part in the social life of the University?

3 Is there any article on economics in this journal?

4 Is there any way to solve this problem?

5 Do you have any more reports to pass?

6 Do you know anyone who can help me?

7 Does he have anything to say?

8 Is anybody here?

9 Can you accept any traveller,s checks?

10 Is there any type of bank account you can use in your business?


1 any 2 any 3 anything 4 some 5 someone/any 6 any/any 7 some 8 any 9 some 10 anyone/nobody

Аноним: можешь помочь, если есть возможность , у меня там 2 новых вопроса
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