4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.
Образец: We go to college every day.
1. We (to go) to college every day. 2. He (to have) breakfast at 7 a.m. 3. They often (to read) English newspapers. 4. My sister (to study) English. 5. Tom (to speak) English very well. 6. It (to take) us ten minutes to get to his place. 7. My working day (to begin) at 9 a.m. 8. My grandmother (not to be) on pension. 9. Peter (to wash) his face and hands in the morning. 10. The students (to have) dictations every week. 11. Her friend (not to live) in Great Britain. 12. John (to like) to dance.


Ответ дал: kamille010490


2 He has breakfast at 7 a.m.

3 They often read English newspapers.

4 My sister studies English.

5 Tom speaks English very well.

6 It takes us ten minutes to get to his place.

7 My working day begins at 9 a.m.

8 My grandmother isn't on pension.

9 Peter washes his face and hands in the morning.

10 The students have dictations every week.

11 Her friend doesn't live in Great Britain.

12 John likes to dance.

Тема: Present Simple - Настоящее простое время.

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