Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense.

2) By 3:15 the cake .................................... (bake) for an hour, so it should be ready then.

3) Jason ....................................................... (join) a kite surfing club when his exams are over.

4) The inventor estimates that he ......................... (complete) his device by the end of the year.

5) We ...................................................... (attend)
a jousting tournament next weekend.

6) This time next week, we ...................................
(explore) the Giant Crystal Cave in Mexico.

7) I hope you .......................................... (change)
your mind and play ice hockey with us.

8) Lucy ........................................................ (turn)
17 in November.

9) I’m sure George ............................. (not/agree)
to have dinner at the insect restaurant.

10) I promise I ............................................. (make)
you scrambled eggs for breakfast tomorrow.


Ответ дал: Glanik34

2 will have been baked

3 will join

4 will have completed

5 will attend

6 will be exploring

7 will change

8 will turn

9 won't agree

10 will make

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