Задание 3.Заполнить пропуски глаголами to be, to have, to have got
1. I … a good room.
2. He … at school.
3. We … five lessons.
4. Nick … a kitten. It … under the table.
5. I … two sisters. They … students.
6. I … four chairs in my room. They … black.
7. He … a note-book in his bag. It … green.
8. What … you … in your bag? I … three books and six note-books.
9. Where … the book? It … on the shelf.


Ответ дал: gulnazermekbai0371


1. am

2. is

3. have

4. is

5. have , are

6. have , are

7. have , is

8. ??? , have

9. is, is

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