Complete the sentences. Use will or going to and the verbs in brackets.

1 'Would you like to come to the cinema with us?' 'All right. I _________________________ (meet)you at 7.00.'
2 Look at those black clouds. It __________________________ (rain).
3 'I can't find my umbrella.' 'Don't worry. I __________________ (give)you mine.'
4 'Have you seen my tennis racket?' 'No. I haven't. Just a minute. I _______________________ (look)in the cupboard.'
5 'I can't play chess.' 'I ______________________ (teach)you if you like.'
6 'Why are you putting on your coat?' 'I ______________________ (take)the dog for a walk.'
7 'Why are you selling your house?' 'We _____________________(live) in the country.'
8. Don't go near that dog! It ______________________ (bite)you! ¬



Ответ дал: guliabdullayeva201


1) will meet

2) going to rain

3) will give

4) I'm going to look in the cupboard

5) will teach

6) I'm going to take

7) will live

8) going to bite

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