C. Circle the correct words.
1. Our team lose / will lose if we don't play well tomorrow.
2. If we hurry, we don't miss / won't miss the film.
3. Jack and I may join/ will join a drama club, but we
haven't decided for sure yet.
4. If / When you check into the hotel, give me a call so I can
come and pick you up.
5. If you're hungry, have / will have some of my sandwich.
6. Kelly couldn't / might not come with us this evening if
she feels ill.
7. If we wait/ will wait a little longer, they might let us go
8. We won't go rock climbing if / when it rains. We'll stay at

winvistgta: 1 will lose
winvistgta: 2 wont miss
winvistgta: 3 may join
winvistgta: 4 when
winvistgta: 5 have some
winvistgta: 6 might not
winvistgta: 7 will wait
winvistgta: 8 if it rains
Эллmyp: спасибо


Ответ дал: Terlli


1. will lose

2. we won't miss

3. may

4. when

5. you will have

6. couldn't

7. will wait

8. if

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