Скажите, где необходимо употребить неопределенный артикль.
Образец: I saw film yesterday. —> I saw a film yesterday.
1. He is athlete. 2.1 am first-year student. 3.1 have coach. 4. Basket¬ball is very popular game. 5. Britain is industrial country. 6. Tennis is played on pitch. 7. You need stick to play hockey. 8. Referee has whistle. 9. The team stayed at expensive hotel.


Ответ дал: grazia09


1. He is an athlete.

2. I am a first-year student.

3. I have a coach.

4. Basketball is a very popular game.

5. Britain is an industrial country.

6. Tennis is played on a pitch.

7. You need a stick to play hockey.

8. Referee has a whistle.

9. The team stayed at an expensive hotel.

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