Fill in with necessary prepositions.
1. Look ... these two pictures. Whom do you see ... these pictures?
2. Every day Mr. Green gets up ... 7 o'clock, goes ... the bathroom,
takes a bath and has breakfast.
3. He goes ... the plant ... underground.
4. He arrives ... work ... 8 o'clock.
5. He works ... week-days.
6. I presented this camera ... my friend.
7. We arrived London... the seventh ... October.
8. There were lots ... new words... the text we translated.
9. ...present about 40% ... the students have satellite or cable TV ...home.​


Ответ дал: tms07


  1. at; in

  2. at; to

  3. to; by

  4. at; at

  5. on

  6. to

  7. on; of

  8. of; in

  9. at; of; at


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