Fill the blanks with the correct form of pronouns.
1. We scored as many goals as ____ (they/them).
2. I am one year older than ____ (he/him).
3. He is as good a student as ____ (she/her).
4. Between you and ____ (I/me) he is a liar.
5. Let ____ (he/him) who can, save her from drowning.
6. The boy ____ (who/whom) fell off his bicycle has hurt his leg.
7. I have not seen the girl ____ (whose/whom) suitcase was stolen.
8. Seema is the maid ____ (who/whom) I have employed.
9. This is the paragraph about ____ (that/which) the teacher is talking.
10. The letter ____ (which/what) he wrote reached me late.
11. The jury has given ____ (its/their) verdict.
12. The Cabinet gave ____ (their/its) vote.
13. The Secretary and Treasurer did not do ____ (their/his) job.
14. Each policeman and each homeguard was at ____ (their/his) post.
15. Neither John nor Tom has done ____ (their/his) work.
16. Either the leader or his followers did not do ____ (their/his) duty.
17. She and I completed ____ (our/ours) work.
18. Riya and ____ (myself/I) went to Kerela.
19. He ____ (that/whom) is down need fear no fall.
20. She ____ (herself/themselves) saw the thief.


Ответ дал: aidanakenzhakhmetova

1. them

2. he

3. she

4. me

5. he

6. who

7. whose

8. whom

9. which

10. which

11. its

12. their

13. his

14. his

15. his

16. their

17. our

18. I

19. that

20. herself

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