Переведите пожалуйста, СРОЧНО!!! Даю 20 баллов


aminax511: на какой перевести надо?
aminax511: а, увидела
soupytime: на англ


Ответ дал: marjanana


1. We waited for all the guests to come. 2. Peter waited for the company to review his proposal. 3. The students waited while the professor discussed their answers with the other panelists. 4. We waited for the child to wake up. 5. I waited for my friend to fix my computer. 6. We waited for the doctor to make a final diagnosis. 7. Mrs. Smith waited while her husband spoke to a neighbor. 8. I waited for the salesman to pack my new boots into the box. 9. The secretary waited for the speaker to answer all the questions.

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