допоможіть, будьласка треба написати рецепт якоїсь страви ( щось типу того що на фотці) , коротко і ясно. Заздалегідь дуже дякую​



Ответ дал: vizdor2005

today we will prepare the "Summer" salad. For this we need: cabbage, cucumber, tomato and onion or carrot . Next step,we must to cut into pieces all this and season with sunflower oil,to add something to something and spices.. To mix that. And last step to taste that,I its so think smells tasty.Bon appetit dear!

vizdor2005: clear?:)
Ответ дал: 121212121314
Today we are going to make a salad. We need cabbage, carrots, cucumber.Wash vegetables. We clean the carrots. And cut. It's the same with a cucumber. We put all the vegetables in a bowl and the salad is ready
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