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Fill in the gaps with the type 2 conditional

1. If my children ________ (like) raw
fruit, I _________ (not / need) to boil it.
2. The road traffic _______ (flow) if
there _______ (be) some policemen.
3. Communication _____ (not / be) so easy
if there ____ (not / be) for the Internet.
4. If the cardigan __________ (not / be)
so expensive, I _________ (buy) it.
5. If I __________ (not / have) a
computer, I ___________ (borrow) one.
6. If the dress __________ (not / be) so
tight, I __________ (wear) it tonight.
7. If I ________ (not / like) chocolate so
much, I _________ (give) you this piece.
8. If you ______ (be) more understanding,
we could have a better relationship.
9. If you __________ (turn) the TV on,
we __________ (wake up) our neighbours.
10. We ________ (visit) the Eiffel Tower
if we _________ (go) to Paris.
11. If I _____ (be) you, I ______ (apply)
for the job.
12. If Ann _______ (apply) for the job,
she ________ (get) it.​


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1. If my children LIKED raw

fruit, I WOULD NOT NEED to boil it.

2. The road traffic WOULD FLOW if

there WERE some policemen.

3. Communication WOULD NOT BE so easy if there WEREN'T for the Internet.

4. If the cardigan WEREN'T

so expensive, I WOULD BUY it.


computer, I WOULD BORROW one.

6. If the dress WEREN'T so

tight, I WOULD WEAR it tonight.

7. If I DIDN'T LIKE chocolate so

much, I WOULD GIVE you this piece.

8. If you WERE more understanding,

we could have a better relationship.

9. If you TURNED the TV on,

we WOULD WAKE UP our neighbours.

10. We WOULD VISIT the Eiffel Tower

if we WENT to Paris.

11. If I WERE you, I WOULD APPLY for the job.

12. If Ann APPLIED for the job, she WOULD GET it.


В условных предложения 2 типа глагол to be обычно используется в части с условием, поэтому мы ставим его в прошедшее время. Причем независимо от действующего лица мы используем форму -  WERE.

Схема образования такого предложения будет:

If + действующее лицо + were + место/состояние/явление + действующее лицо + would + действие

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