PRESENT TENSES. Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets:
1. The concert _______ (start) at 9 o’clock.
2. We ___________ (go) to the cinema tonight. Why don’t you join us?
3. Jane________ (work) at her dad’s restaurant every Friday night.
4. I never________ (be) in England.
5. How long _________ (you/live) in this place?
6. How long _________ (she /know) you?
7. We________(just /come) from the party.
8. The children ________ (play) in the garden now.
9. He never ________ (come) home on time.
10. She ________ (always / tell) lie.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. The concert starts at 9 o’clock.

2. We are going to the cinema tonight. Why don’t you join us?

3. Jane works at her dad’s restaurant every Friday night.

4. I have never been to England.

5. How long have you lived in this place?

6. How long has she known you?

7. We have just come from the party.

8. The children are playing in the garden now.

9. He never comes home on time.

10. She always tells lies. (просто указываем на факт)

   She is always telling lies! (выражаем негодование, недовольство)

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