Dear Laura,
I've found a place to live in a house near the
university. There are five of us living there, each
with our own bedroom. My room isn't very big, but
there's a huge kitchen and a living room with
satellite TV. The room didn't have much furniture
when I moved in – just a bed, an armchair and a
cupboard - and it's got a green carpet and purple
curtains! Last Saturday I walked down to the shops
to get some food, and saw a lovely old desk in a
charity shop for only £50. So now I've got a desk in
my room with my computer and printer on it.
Unfortunately, the house has only got one phone
line (in the kitchen) so I'm still using the university
computers for e-mail. On Sunday, Mum and Dad
came to visit, and brought me some cushions, a
couple of lamps, some bookshelves (the white ones
from your room) and my sound system. They
thought the place was great. Mum wanted to spend
the afternoon cleaning the kitchen, but we took her
out for lunch instead! I really like the other people​

council1975: и что нужно сделать


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