Read the following sentences and determine for each
if it is active or passive voice.

Write "p" for Passive, "A" for Active

1.I eat an apple every day.

2.The car was stolen from the parking lot.

3.A hamburger was ordered at dinner last night.

4.All milk at home was used up by the guests.

5.We bake cookies once a week.

6.The car will be towed away.

7.They used up all the milk at home.

8.One apple is eaten every day.

9.The cookies are baked every Friday afternoon.

10.She ordered a hamburger at dinner last night.


Ответ дал: MJfrenchy


1. А

2. Р

3. Р

4. Р

5. А

6. Р

7. А

8. Р

9. Р

10. А

Глаголы в английском языке употребляются в активной форме залога «the Active Voice» и в пассивной (страдательной) «the Passive Voice».She wrote a book (Active) – A book was written by her (Passive).

В активном залоге какой то объект выполняет действие, указанное глаголом

А в пассивном наоборот, на объект действует сам глагол

She bought a car(ОНА купила машину(актив))

A car was bought by her(МАШИНА была куплена ею(пассив))

kokol228nagibator: точно правильно?
MJfrenchy: верно, верно
milihinmaks945: помоги мне тоже пожалуйста
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