8 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple
and present perfect in each one.
1 We ... (learn) English for a long time. We
... (start) when we were six.
2 I... (live) here all my life. My parents ...
(move) here before I was born.
3 My mum ... (go) to England years ago, but
she ... (not visit) the USA yet.
4 1... (meet) some of my classmates before
I came to this school. I... (know) them since
I was little.
5 1... (see) all The Lord of the Rings films years
ago, but I... (not read) the books yet.
6 Our teacher ... (teach) in this school for
years but she ... (work) in Ireland when she
was younger.



Ответ дал: galina572319


1 We have learned English for a long time.

We started when we were six.

2 I have lived here all my life. My parents moved here before I was born.

3 My mum went to England years ago, but she hasn’t visited the USA yet.

4  I met some of my classmates before I came to this school.

I have known them since I was little.

5  I saw all 'The Lord of the Rings' films years ago, but I haven’t read the books yet.

6 Our teacher has taught in this school for years, but she worked in Ireland when she was younger.

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