Найти 10 глаголов неправильные глаголы,и составить с каждом слово предложение ​


Ответ дал: dashok145


Athletes ran a marathon yesterday.

I already sent you a letter.

I wrote a bad grade test.

He brought us a little kitten.

Maria spoke to us in Russian.

The story began with a joke.

I came home.

The boy drew a bird.

I forgot my keys at home.

My brother gave me his old things.


kirillprohorov0: по фотографиии
dashok145: фотографии нет)
kirillprohorov0: как связатся с тобой
kirillprohorov0: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1859. He studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was one of his professors that inspired him to create the most brilliant detective ever, Sherlock Holmes. Holmes' extraordinary powers of observation help solve the most mysterious cases with the help of his faithful companion, Dr Watson. Holmes is very logical and extremely intelligent. He wears a cape and hat, smokes a pipe and uses a magnifying glass. вот текст
kirillprohorov0: сможешь?
dashok145: I was born in Russia.
I wore a new t-shirt., тут нет глаголов на 10 предложений, остальные правильные или с правильными тоже надо?
kirillprohorov0: щяс
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