Choose the correct verb form.
1.Leave me alone. I … to concentrate.
a. is trying b. try c. am trying
2.Cars like that … a lot of money.
a. cost b. costs c. is costing
3.Brian … a suit for the work when he has to look smart.
a. wears b. is wearing c. wear
4.Terry … a lot of problems at the moment.
a. have b. is having c. has
5.Jack … alone as usual.
a. is living b. live c. lives
6…. she … this kind of music?
a. Is … like? b. Does … like? C. Do … like?
7. …you … in this hotel now?
a. Do … stay b. Are … staying c. Have … stay
8.Most shops usually … at 8 o’clock p.m.
a. close b. closes c. is closing
9. I’m on holiday. I … this week.
a. don’t work b. isn’t working c. am not working
10. Put on a jacket. It … cold.
a. gets b. get c. is getting


Ответ дал: bts0164

1. с

2. a

3. a

4. c

5. c

6. b

7. b

8. a

9. a

10. c

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