Задание 1b Сопоставьте слова refer,linguistics,scientific,science,physics,sociology,psychology с их определениями.

1 the scientific study of societies and humann behaviour -

2 the study of language-

3 a science concerned with the study of matter and natural forces (such as light, heat, movement etc.) -

4 the study or science of the mind and the way it works -

5 to mention, speak about -

6 knowledge which depends on testing facts and ststing general naturalm laws -

7 of, being or concerning science -

Задание 2b Заполните пропуски неправильными глаголами в Past Simple.

1 I ... home from school at 3 o'clock yesterday (to come).

2 We ... lunch at 2 o'clock yesterday (to have).

3 My friend ... a new computer last week (to buy).

4 We ... a nice film on TV yesterday (to see).

5 I ... to the cinema last month (not/go).

6 He ... many mistakes in his home exercises (not/make).

7 I ... German last year (not/learn).

8 Where ... you... your friends last time (to meet)?

9 How many exercises ... you ... at home last time (to do)?

10 ... your uncle a new country house last summer (to build)?


Ответ дал: ivanova120805



1- sociology

2- linguistic

3- physics

4- psychology

5- refer

6- science

7- scientific


1. I came home from school at 3 o'clock yesterday.

2. We had lunch at 2 o'clock yesterday

3. My friend bought a new computer last week

4. We saw a nice film on TV yesterday

5. I didn’t go to the cinema last month

6. He didn’t make many mistakes in his home exercises

7. I didn’t learn German last year

8. Where did you meet your friends last time?

9. How many exercises did you do at home last time?

10. Did your uncle build a new country house last summer?

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