Write what you would like to be and the qualities you need for that job. I would like to be a ... 1) It would be ... (fun, a challenge, dangerous, different every day) 2) I would have to be ... (good with my hands, good at listening, strong) 3) I would be able to ... (make things, help people, travel, make a lot of money) 4) I would enjoy it most when I ... ( did things well, went on a holiday, was outside) 5) I would not enjoy it when I ... ( made a mistake, got cold, had to work late) 6) My boss would expect me to be ... ( on time, careful, smart, polite) 7) I would have to wear ...(smart, clothes, everyday clothes, a special uniform) 8) I prefer to work ... ( on my own, with other people, in am office, slowly). пожалуйста это срочно. пожалуйста не копируйте другой ответ!​


Ответ дал: slobodenyukaleksiya



I would like to be a programmer 1) It would be a challenge 2) I would have to be good at listening 3) I would be able to make a lot of money 4) I would enjoy it most when I did things well 5) I would not enjoy it when I made a mistake 6) My boss would expect me to be smart 7) I would have to wear everyday clothes 8) I prefer to work on my own.

davletovamahlia: огромное спасибо
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