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1 Mr. S m i t h says, “Why aren’t you eating anything, Kitty? “

2 Mr. S m i t h says, “You are so slow”.

3 Mr. S m i t h says, “Ann is already finishing her cornflakes”.

4 K i t t y says, “I don’t like cornflakes”.

5 K i t t y says, “ I’m just thirsty”.

6 K i t t y says, “Give me some tea and cakes, Mum”.

7 Mrs. S m i t h says, “Be a good girl, Kitty”.

8 Mrs. S m i t h says, “Have some more cornflakes, Kitty”.

9 Mrs. S m i t h says, “We’re going to have bacon and eggs”.

10 Mrs. S m i t h says, “I’m afraid I must leave in a quarter of an hour or so”.​


Ответ дал: goodman228029


1 Mr. S m i t h says, “Why are you eating anything, Kitty? “

2 Mr. S m i t h says, “You aren't so slow”.

3 Mr. S m i t h says, “Ann is doesn't finishing her cornflakes”.

4 K i t t y says, “I like cornflakes”.

5 K i t t y says, “ I’m doesn't thirsty”.

6 K i t t y says, “Give me some tea and cakes,”.

7 Mrs. S m i t h says, “Be a good girl,”.

8 Mrs. S m i t h says, “Have some more cornflakes,”.

9 Mrs. S m i t h says, “We’re doesn't have bacon and eggs”.

10 Mrs. S m i t h says, “I’m doesn't afraid I must leave in a quarter of an hour or so”.

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