помогите пожалуйста
places and travel
1) i don't want to wait for the bus. so let's get a ta____ to the city centre
2) I'm sorry I'm late. there was a lot of tr____ on the roads this morning
3) Cathy went to the l_____ to get some books. she loves reading. but she never buys books

1) Tea is ok. but i pr____ coffee
2) can i p_____ for this by credit card?
3) my boyfriend b____ me some beautiful flowers in the shop yesterday
4) i always ph____home every night when I'm away on business to say 'Good Night' to me children​


Ответ дал: azumidellone229

1. taxi

2. traffic

3. library

1. prefer

2. pay

3. bought

4. phone

Аноним: 4 Доповніть речення про ресторани в Брікстоні правильною формою there is / there are.
4 Дополните предложения о ресторан...
Ответ дал: vertu345

1.taxi 2.traffic 3.library 1.prefer 2.pay 3.bought 4.phone

Аноним: 4 Доповніть речення про ресторани в Брікстоні правильною формою there is / there are.
4 Дополните предложения о ресторан...
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