Преобразуйте предложения из действительного залога в страдательный
1. Helen was cleaning the room when Mum came. -
2. Mr. Evans is writing a series of articles on the economic situation.
3. The children were doing their homework when their father came back from the office.
4. Students are discussing the new film now.
5. I was watching the football game on TV when parents arrived.


Ответ дал: juls2273
1 When Mum came the room was being cleaned by Helen.
2 A series of articles on the economic situation are being written by Mr. Evans
3 The home work was being done by the children when their father came back from the office
4 the new film is being discussed by the students now
5 The football game was been watching by me when parents arrived

juls2273: За такие сложные задания справедливо было бы давать больше 5 баллов
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