2. Complete the sentences with words from Ex. 1.
1 The Amazon ______
is 6,259 km
long. It is one of the longest in the world.
2 Sherwood _______
in England is
famous because of the Robin Hood legend.
3 Mount Vesuvius is the _________
destroyed the ancient city of Pompell in AD 79.
4 Mount Olympus is the ________
the ancient Greek gods lived.
5 Niagara Falls is the second largest _________
in the world.
6 The Sahara ______
is in Northern
7 The largest freshwater _________
in the
world is in Russia.
8 The __________
of Hawaii is well-known
for its beautiful beaches.
9 The largest _________
in the world is the
10 The wide, open _________
covers most
of Kazakhstan. Помагите Даю 500 баллов ​

magamedovaelina08: 1. River 2. Coast 3. Volcano 4. Mountain 5. Waterfall 6. Desert 7. Lake 8. Beach 9. Ocean 10. Steppe Надеюсь, правильно. Не смотрите рекламу
vipilroz: молодец, но это уже для меня не важно
vipilroz: :)


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1. The Amazon RIVER is 6,259 km

long. It is one of the longest in the world.

2. Sherwood FOREST in England is

famous because of the Robin Hood legend.

3. Mount Vesuvius is the VOLCANO

which destroyed the ancient city of Pompell in AD 79.

4. Mount Olympus is the MOUNTAIN

where the ancient Greek gods lived.

5. Niagara Falls is the second largest WATERFALL in the world.

6. The Sahara DESERT is in Northern


7. The largest freshwater LAKE

in the world is in Russia.

8. The ISLAND of Hawaii is well-known for its beautiful beaches.

9. The largest OCEAN in the world is the Pacific

10. The wide, open STEPPE covers most of Kazakhstan. 

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