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Ответ дал: wwwtt3

Oh, Ben

Hi! Thank you too for your letter!  I was very happy to read your letter.  You have a very interesting family. You asked me about sisters and brothers. And... Yes, yes I have a little sister. Her name is ( имя придумай сам/сама). She is eight. She goes to school too.  (Имя) very good at singing.  She LOVE that! And (Имя) is interested in art. If be honestly, she doesn't  draw very well, but I am sure that soon she will be draw just awesome.  And I also have a little brother. His name is (Имя). He is nine. (Имя) is interesed in swimming. My brother is really good at this. I very love them.

Now, I am finishing. I should to help my brother with Match.

Write back soon. Best wishes,

(Твое имя)

lizuncce: Спасибо тебе огромное)
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